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In Their Own Words... How The Scam Unfolded

The Federal Reserve's Role During WWI
~ August 1914–November 1918

by Phil Davies, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
November 22, 2013

The Federal Reserve faced its first major test during World War I, helping to finance the war by facilitating war bond sales and by providing loans at preferential rates to banks purchasing Treasury certificates. The Fed also took actions to bring inflation down following the conflict, emerging from the period better equipped to serve as a central bank.

World War I was the first test of the new Federal Reserve System, and it was a trial by fire.

The outbreak of war in Europe in August 1914 touched off a financial crisis. The stock market closed and banks faced runs by depositors. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve Board and the twelve Reserve Banks were still getting organized. The crisis soon passed, but within months a new problem emerged. A large inflow of European gold to pay for US exports increased the money supply. The young Fed was powerless to offset the gold inflow or halt the resulting inflation. And once the nation entered the war, the Fed dedicated itself mainly to supporting the war effort.

But the conflict accelerated the evolution of the Federal Reserve into a true central bank by increasing its financial resources and transforming the US dollar into a major international currency. “The war reshaped the Federal Reserve System in many ways,” writes economist Allan Meltzer in his landmark work A History of the Federal Reserve.

The Great War inflicted enormous human and economic costs on the combatants. Initially, Great Britain, France, and Russia allied against Germany and Austria-Hungary. For two and a half years the United States remained neutral, but in April 1917, Congress declared war on Germany. Still learning the ropes of a new system of monetary control, the Fed was called upon to help marshal the country’s financial resources for war.

Federal spending surged as the military mobilized. Outlays for troop training, weapons, and munitions increased fifteen-fold from 1916 to 1918. In addition, the Treasury lent generously to US allies. Spending quickly outpaced tax revenues, and the Treasury mounted a series of war bond or “liberty loan” drives to raise additional funds.

The Federal Reserve took an active role in marketing war debt to commercial banks and the public. The New York Fed was designated the Treasury’s fiscal agent for bond sales, and the governors of the Reserve Banks headed committees organized in each district to sell Treasury bonds.

Most important, the Fed leveraged its position as a lender to the banking system to facilitate war bond sales. To purchase war bonds over $1,000, the Treasury urged the public to “borrow and buy,” that is, to finance their purchases at local banks. The Fed supported this policy by lending to member banks at low interest rates when the proceeds were used to buy bonds. Between bond drives, the Federal Reserve also lent at preferential rates to banks purchasing Treasury certificates –– short-term borrowings issued in anticipation of tax receipts.

These fundraising efforts were very successful. By the spring of 1918, the federal government had sold roughly $10 billion ($155 billion in 2012 dollars) in war bonds and Treasury certificates.

As a result of Fed lending at low interest rates, credit conditions eased throughout the domestic economy, which was thriving on increased exports to Europe. Extensive borrowing by businesses and households stimulated economic growth but also increased the money supply, fueling inflation. In this period, raising or lowering interest rates on loans to member banks was the Federal Reserve’s main tool for regulating credit and controlling inflation. Changes in the Federal Reserve “discount” rate in turn affected interest rates on commercial paper and other types of loans and securities.

However, Fed leaders did not take steps to raise interest rates to fight inflation. Congress created the Fed as an independent central bank to isolate it from political pressure, but during the war monetary policy was beholden to the needs of the Treasury. “Independence was sacrificed to maintain interest rates that lowered the Treasury’s cost of debt finance,” Meltzer (2003) writes.

The Fed Comes Into its Own
Although the Fed focused on war finance at the expense of inflation during World War I, it emerged as a major player on the world stage after the war as it developed into a full-fledged central bank.

The war resulted in larger Federal Reserve gold holdings as gold flowed from Europe to pay for munitions, food, and other US exports. Under the gold standard in force at the time, every dollar in the economy was at least partially backed by the precious metal. Some of the additional gold flowed into Federal Reserve Bank vaults as reserves, allowing the Fed to take on more assets in the form of government securities. A sizable portfolio of securities would become an increasingly important monetary tool after the war. Just as it does today, the Fed in the 1920s used purchases and sales of securities to influence market interest rates and implement monetary policy.

By wreaking financial havoc in Europe, the war also enhanced the standing of the U.S. dollar among the world’s currencies. Huge military expenditures forced warring nations to abandon the gold standard; their money could no longer be redeemed for gold coin. But the dollar remained linked to gold. As the British pound and other European currencies became unstable, financiers and traders turned to the US dollar as a preferred medium of exchange.

The Fed’s founders had wanted to foster the US dollar as a global currency by establishing a market for trade acceptances, bank drafts used to guarantee payment for imports or exports. The war created the conditions for such a market by making trade credit harder to obtain in Europe. To finance their operations, traders all over the world bought trade acceptances denominated in dollars, increasing both the international use of the dollar and business for American banks with overseas branches.

Victory by the United States and its allies ended the war in November 1918, ushering in a postwar boom as domestic demand rose and exports continued apace to supply war-ravaged Europe.

World War I was a watershed event that put the Federal Reserve System to a stern test. The war made the Federal Reserve subservient to the Treasury for a time. But it also helped the Fed develop the financial resources and expertise necessary to function as a central bank. After the war the Fed asserted its independence from the Treasury and took measures to bring down the inflation that threatened to stifle economic growth.

Top image: American Lithographic Co. poster from 1917, Library of Congress reproduction number LC-USZC4-8021

Broz, J. Lawrence. The International Origins of the Federal Reserve System. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1997.

Eichengreen, Barry. Exorbitant Privilege: The Rise and Fall of the Dollar and the Future of the International Monetary System. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.

Meltzer, Allan H. A History of the Federal Reserve, Volume 1: 1913-1951. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003.

Weissman. Rudolph L. The New Federal Reserve System: The Board Assumes Control. New York and London: Harper & Brothers, 1936.

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Hey peeps! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday. Besides wishing you all a Merry Christmas I wish I could send everyone a holiday gift. Some in our community have shared tasty family holiday receipes and some have made suggestions to donate to wonderful causes. I of course share my Christmas action-movie binge which is not a gift but an intense distraction while prepping for joyous holiday activities. Hans Grubber falls so many times in the kitchen every Christmas I cannot even begin to count. Yet there's something I'd like give you this holiday season and that's Time. 

As you set goals for 2025 I suggest you take on the goal of eliminating sensationalism from your news diet. Whether your New Year's resolutions are small, large, or great, this goal is relatively tiny.

Identifying sensationalism in the news cycles will help grow Time. Time you can use for more important activities like saying "Hi!" more often to friends and family, or banking more Time to accomplish larger goals. It is a rare thing that can truly compensate you for your Time.

I will not assume that you cannot identify sensationalism. I'm sure all of you can point to recent examples of sensationlism in the media. Though I do have questiions for you:  How do you deal with sensationlism? Do you simply ignore it? Are you a headline reader who immediately identifies sensationalism? What do you consider sensationalism? How do you categorize it? How do you see past sensationalism read between the lines without actually engaging? How do you eliminate subconscious motivations to engage? 

I know. That's a half-dozen questions that will suck your Time to answer. In truth, I don't want you to answer those questions. I don't want you to answer because there's another half-dozen questions I could ask. Yet, think of what you can do with a bit more Time.

In order to bank your Time in 2025, I wish you to consider what media stories are actually worth your Time. You're above-average so I ask you to identify them. Identify and eliminate. Yes. My gift of Time is a piece of advice. You can accept this tiny gift and you can even re-gift it, but alas you cannot return it. Time is something no one can give back. 


PS. If you choose to reply, I'd be interested in seeing what current media stories you consider sensationalism and a waste of Time. Thanks and all the best, M.



Chris MacLeod, MSW.  "Ways To Uncover The Unconscious Motivations That Are Holding You Back". *SUCCEEDSOCIALLY.COM*

Doll, Katie. "What Drives Human Behavior? The 5 Motivational Factors". *SHORTFORM*. January 30, 2024.

Robinson, Lawrence and Melinda Smith, M.A. "Social Media and Mental Health: Are You Addicted to Social Media?" *HELPGUIDE.ORG INTERNATIONAL*. October 29, 2024.

Traci Sitzmann, Bradford S. Bell. "The dynamic effects of subconscious goal pursuit on resource allocation, task performance, and goal abandonment". *ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES*, Volume 138, 2017, Pages 1-14, ISSN 0749-5978. ibid.


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Mike Rivero Retires from RBN! | 26 July 2023
Creator of CLINTON BODY-COUNT Leaving Republic Broadcasting

Those that follow Ron Gibson's podcasting archive featuring the Alex Jones Show know Mike Rivero. The RBN and former GCN talk radio host is retiring from radio this week. Friday is Mr. Rivero's last day [affectionally on-air I've called him Mr. Rivero for years].

Ron Gibson Archive w Rivero

Mike Rivero is known in Hollywood too. After a stint at NASA (Viking and Voyager) Rivero went to work in Visual F/X, most notably STAR TREK: The Motion Picture (1979), STARGATE (1994) with Kurt Russell, THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW (2004) with Dennis Quaid, and a classic family favorite CONEHEADS (1993) with Dan Ackroyd and Jane Curtain.

While in Hollywood, Rivero called out the fraud surrounding the death of Clinton attorney Vincent Foster in 1993. His outspoken views on the facts of Foster's death caused career issues for him in SoCal's liberal cesspool. Ever forward, Mr. Rivero endured and created the website WHAT REALLY HAPPENED. 

Then almost two decades ago, GCN's Alex Jones recognized Mike Rivero's CLINTON BODY-COUNT. Soon after, Rivero became a regular Alex Jones Show guest and guest host. Then GCN offered Rivero his own radio show completing GCN's powerful Truther lineup.

Weekly Monday through Friday, this lineup featured Dave von Kleist and Joyce Riley's morning POWER HOUR, the ALEX JONES SHOW mid-morning/midday, and the KATHERINE ALBRECHT SHOW (co-author of SPY CHIPS and founding VP of midday, followed by Mike Rivero's WHAT REALLY HAPPENED and FREE TALK LIVE with Mark and Ian (Free State Project and early BTC promoters) throughout the afternoons and evenings, capping off nights with Jeff Rense (RENSE.COM). In the wake of 9/11, NWO minions were exposed daily like never before. 

After many years on radio and working when possible in visual effects Mike Rivero produced the 45-minute docu-commentary ALL WARS ARE BANKERS' WARS in 2016. Its current IMDb rating is a surprising 9.2/10. Rivero's well-cited video indictment is frequently reposted across all video platforms and social media sites by dozens of free-minded truthseekers (including now below). 

As far as RBN? No doubt Rivero was their greatest draw. After the passing of owner/host John Stadtmiller in 2021 no other RBN personality had the gravitas or alternative media chops as strong as Rivero. Rivero is loved by his regular listeners, many that often call in daily. His wife, "The Lovely Lady Claire" made frequent radio appearances and in many instances, confronted political issues with greater tenacity than Michael. Many listeners wanted to talk to Lady Claire more so than him! Both are wonderful patriotic Americans. RBN is a publicly-funded media organization headquartered in Round Rock, Texas. How the organization will fare after Mike Rivero's retirement only time will tell. 

Mike Rivero announced his retirement from the Republic Broadcasting Network this week. Today, he stated he'll now focus his time on the What Really Happened website, family, and occasional gigs. His kind radio voice and daily empirical analysis of current events will be greatly missed across independent alternative media. 

See you in cyberspace Mr. Rivero. "Because WWIII is a really bad idea"

Rivero_IMDb_Partial Bio

Reference links:

Michael and Claire Rivero


Ron Gibson

Alex Jones

Dr. Katherine Albrecht

Dave von Kleist and Joyce Riley

Free Talk Live with Mark and Ian

Jeff Rense


WRH and the Clintons

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Disclosure Project 2.0 Conference Schedule June 10 - 11, 2023
Historic National Press Club Event June 12, 2023. Washington DC.

Explosive New Disclosure Witnesses and archives unveiled over an intensive 2-day conference, followed by the Disclosure 2.0 National Press Club Event.



9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Presentation by Michael Schratt

  • ET vehicle crash retrieval cases – data and illustrations

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM



11:00 AM- 12:30 PM

Presentation by Michael Schratt

  • Covert manmade craft vs ET craft – data and illustrations

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Lunch - Attendees are on their own for lunch.

2:00 PM - 3:45 PM

Presentation by Dr. Steven Greer

  • Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive
  • Extensive Military, Corporate and Top-Secret Witness list
  • Top Secret Facilities – map and location of facilities around the world
  • State of Disclosure
  • New Top-Secret witness cases

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM


4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Presentation by Dr. Steven Greer

  • New top-secret witnesses will appear to tell their story with slideshow illustrations
    • Steven Digna, Jr. – U.S. Army witnessed “V” shaped craft at Ft. Irwin produced by Raytheon.
    • Michael Herrera – Marine Corps witnessed covert manmade ARV in Indonesia being loaded with drugs and weapons.
    • DC Long – U.S. Army top-secret facility at Ft. Bragg engineering anti-gravity ET technology.

7:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Special FundRaising Dinner

  • Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive
  • Whistleblower project



9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Presentation by Michael Schratt

  • Select historical UFO cases
  • The Illegal Black Budget

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM



11:00 AM- 11:20 AM

Presentation by Bahman Zohuri, PhD, Professor, Scientist and Author

  • Scalar wave energy – technology and applications

11:20 AM- 12:30 PM

Presentation by Eric Hecker, Raytheon contractor witness presentation.

  • Raytheon neutrino light array South Pole

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Lunch - Attendees are on their own for lunch.

2:00 PM - 3:45 PM

Presentation by: Dr. Steven Greer

  • The Architecture of Secrecy
  • Counterintelligence and disinformation
  • Media corruption
  • Tic Tacs/UAPs
  • Weaponizing technologies National Security,
  • Top government officials briefed by Dr. Steven Greer that were denied access (Inverse witnesses)

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM


4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

  • Ret. Col. Heckert, USAF will present live testimony as a U2 pilot
  • Dr. Greer’s recommendations to the President, Congress and the Pentagon
  • A Call-to-Action what citizens can do to further disclosure
  • Attorney Derek Garcia will discuss RICO (Racketeer Influence and Corrupt Organizations Act)
  • Plans for a legal task force
  • Q and A
  • Closing

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Screening of the “Lost Century and How to Claim It”

9:30 PM - Midnight

VIP Afterparty  



Monday, June 12, 2023

Disclosure Project 2.0

National Press Club Event

UAP/UFO Disclosure Evidence 2 PM EST.

529 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20045


Historic press event on UAP/UFO disclosure in Washington, DC

WASHINGTONMay 24, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Dr. Steven M. Greer, founder of the Disclosure Project and one of the world's leading authorities on the UFO/UAP issue, will be presenting definitive evidence of illegal unacknowledged black budget projects related to UFO/UAP operations in Washington DC – 2pm on JUNE 12, 2023 at the National Press Club.

He will be joined by several top-secret Government whistleblowers, who will be presenting compelling testimony.  These whistleblowers include a U.S. Marine who witnessed a manmade UAP offloading illegal weapons and drugs in Indonesia in 2009.

The Disclosure intelligence UFO archive, consisting of over 5 terabytes of government documents, whistleblower testimony and specific locations of illegally operated UFO projects and corporations will also be unveiled.  Over 700 military, intelligence and corporate whistleblowers are included in this vast archive.

Plans for a civilian initiated RICO (Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization) lawsuit against illegal military and corporate projects will be announced and outlined.

Additionally, some of the 119 crash/retrieval events of extraterrestrial vehicles will be summarized and presented.  The Disclosure Archive contains intelligence on all these cases.

A summary of advanced energy and propulsion technologies that have been illegally confiscated and suppressed will be presented.  These technologies would replace all fossil fuels, nuclear power and electric transmission systems and would create a new economy free of poverty and pollution within a generation.

Over the course of the last 30 years, Dr. Greer has identified over 700 high-level government and corporate whistleblowers willing to testify on their direct involvement with the UFO/ET matter, advanced energy and propulsion systems and the existence of covert government programs that are run illegally. 

He has provided briefings for sitting U.S. presidents and senior government officials across the globe, drawing from his extensive intelligence archive.  He has conducted countless media interviews and lectured all over the world.  Dr. Greer has authored five books and produced five feature documentaries.  His latest film, "The Lost Century and How to Reclaim it" will be released on June 6, 2023.

"It's really about the renewal of democracy, because everyone says, 'We're in a free country in a democracy', but how free and how democratic can it be if the most important technologies and the most important discoveries are kept from the media and the public and our policy makers."

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